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At Northbridge Medical Centre, we provide comprehensive immunisation services to children and
families by nurse specialists. We are here to answer all your questions about vaccinations and
provide the care you and your family require.
To protect your child from potentially serious diseases, immunisation is a safe and effective option.
We follow the National Immunisation Program Schedule administered by the Department of Health,
and more information is available on the Department of Health website. However, if you are ever
unsure, the doctors here at Northbridge Medical Centre are happy to answer your questions and
inform you about the vaccinations your child requires.
Vaccinations are also important for adults. If you are in any of the below circumstances, consider
booking an appointment for a vaccination:
Prior to travelling overseas or within the country, it is recommended that you visit a GP to inform
you of the potential illnesses that could impact your holiday. At Northbridge Medical Centre, we
provide thorough health consultations and advice before and after you travel to your holiday
destination so that you can enjoy a safe and healthy trip with your family and friends.
Free vaccines
The following criteria are eligible for a free flu vaccination each year in Western Australia
Side effects
Please note that some vaccines may cause temporary side effects such as a fever or soreness at the
site of the injection. This is normal and should subside within a few days and serious reactions are
rare. However, please contact the practice immediately if any serious reactions are observed.
Individuals who have experienced anaphylaxis or previous doses of an influenza vaccine, as well as
infants who are younger than six months are not recommended to have flu vaccines.