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Vasectomy Surgery

Permanent contraception for men
  • Northbridge Medical Centre is now offering reliable, safe and simple form of permanent contraception for men
  • Vasectomy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that involves cutting, sealing and blocking the vas deferens, which is the tube responsible for carrying the sperm from the testicle
  • No-Scalpel Vasectomy is widely recognised as the preferred method of sterilization for men
  • In anticipation of the forthcoming opening of our subsidiary clinic Skin & Medical Northbridge, we are thrilled to welcome Dr Dominic Sinagra. He will be performing Vasectomy Surgery as part of our exclusive 2024 specials, offering substantial discounts on surgical fees as part of our grand opening celebration.
  • Call now to enquire and to book an initial appointment with Dr Dominic Sinagra

Vasectomy Perth

Safe, Affordable Vasectomy in Northbridge

Looking for a safe, simple and affordable form of men contraception? While currently men have limited options for contraception, Northbridge Medical Centre is now offering individualised patient centred Vasectomy as a form of permanent contraception option.


Located in a central location in Northbridge, the clinic is dedicated to provide the surgery on site avoiding the need for expensive hospital fees.


What is No-Scalpel Vasectomy (NSV)

No-Scalpel Vasectomy is now the preferred method of surgery. The procedure involves making a single blunt incision in the scrotum skin, then exposing the vas deferens to cut and seal both vas deferens. Vas deferens is the tube connected between the testicle and penis. The tube is responsible for carrying the sperm.


NSV differs from the traditional open vasectomy in the following way:

  1. It is perform under local anaesthetic
  2. The entry wound is significantly smaller and there is not cutting of tissues.
  3. There is no suture required in the skin
  4. Less risk for swelling and pain. Less risk for bleeding and infection


How is the Vasectomy Procedure done

The procedure starts by putting local anaesthetic in the area of skin of the scrotum and also the vas deferens.

A small keyhole incision for about 5mm is made into the scrotum using the no-scalpel method.

Through the keyhole wound, the left / right vas deferens is located and then divided and sealed using a hyfrecator.

The remaining part of the vas deferens will be sealed via fascial interposition with surrounding tissues.

The same technique is then performed on the right/left vas deferens using the same keyhole wound

A small dressing is then applied to the skin with no need for suture.



If you wish to find out more about vasectomy, please refer to:

Urology Care Foundation 

General information about vasectomy


   Health Direct


What are the risk of having vasectomy?

Most men will experience some discomfort or pain after the vasectomy. Sometimes there is also associated swelling or bruising on the skin at the site of incision. Usually they are self limiting within 1 to 2 weeks.

Rate of complications is low with no scalpel vasectomy procedure, but some of the complications include the following

  • Wound Infection: This is very rare. Usually present as a tender red area in the scrotum region near the incision. This may or may not be accompanied by fever. This usually respond well to antibiotic treatment. Some patient with certain underlying medical conditions may require antibiotics to prevent infections after the procedure.
  • Scrotal haematoma or large bruise: This is uncommon with no-scalpel technique. This if often related to activities or over exertion by the patients.  Most bruise are self limiting.
  • Sperm granuloma: This is a scar tissue on the residual part of vas deferens. This requires no treatment.
  • Post Vasectomy Pain Syndrome ( PVPS): This is a rare chronic pain conditions following vasectomy with unknown causes. The incidence is less than 1 %. The symptoms is characterised by persistent scrotal pain and sometimes lower abdominal and back pain.  Most cases PVPS is self limiting but in rare cases it can last for months or longer. There may be a need to be referred to a urologist for management.
  • Congestive epididymitis: This condition occurs when sperm gets trapped and build up at the edges of the vas deferens causing discomfort, typically occurring between 2 to 12 weeks after the vasectomy. This is usually self limiting or can be treated with anti-inflammatory medications.

Is the vasectomy procedure painful?

  1. Everyone is different when it comes to pain. However, most can feel a stinging sensation with the local anaesthetic injection.
  2. With the No Scalpel, No suture technique, the procedure is fast and straight forward. Most described the sensation of pulling and pinching during the procedure which causes minimal degree of discomfort or pain.
  3. You can opt for additional inhaled anaesthetic of Penthrox which provides additional pain relief.
  4. Most will feel some discomfort in the region for 2 to 3 days after the vasectomy.

What does the procedure involves?

  1. The procedure starts by putting local anaesthetic in the area of skin of the scrotum and also the vas deferens.
  2. A small keyhole incision for about 5mm is made into the scrotum using the no-scalpel method.
  3. Through the keyhole wound, the left / right vas deferens is located and then divided and sealed using a hyfrecator.
  4. The remaining part of the vas deferens will be sealed via fascial interposition with surrounding tissues.
  5. The same technique is then performed on the right/left vas deferens using the same keyhole wound
  6. Following the procedure, a small dressing is applied to the skin with no need for suture.

Is it immediately effective?

  1. The procedure will not be immediately effective. It usually takes men about 20 ejaculation for sperm to be cleared
  2. You will require you semen sample to be assessed to confirm sterility.

Can Vasectomy procedure fails?

  1. Vasectomy is recognised as the most effective means of contraception, being more than 99.85% effective.
  2. NSV carries a very low failure rate, and far lower than condoms, contraception pills and intrauterine devices.
  3. Majority of the failures are recognised in the first 3 months during the semen analysis.
  4. In extremely rare occasion, the vas deferens may re-joined itself months or years down the track.

Does a vasectomy affect my sexual function?

  1. Vasectomy does not alter orgasm or climax. Ejaculate are made of  fluid produced by seminal vesicles.
  2. Most men do no notice any difference in ejaculation.
  3. There is also no impact on testosterone levels, libido or erectile function.

Is vasectomy reversible?

Yes, vasectomy is reversible. However the reversal surgery or reproductive therapy as part of IVF is expensive and not always successful.

Vasectomy Consultation and Surgery Fee

Vasectomy Pre-surgery consultation at Northbridge Medical Centre:

We welcomed Dr Dominic Sinagra to perform the Vasectomy Surgery. Prior to the surgery, an initial consultation appointment is required by Dr Sinagra.

  • The consultation will conducted face to face at Northbridge Medical Centre.
  • This is to allow Dr Sinagra to be familiar with your underlying medical history and medications, and to access and to examine you to determine whether the procedure can be safely perform.
  • It is also crucial to explain the procedure of vasectomy and answer any questions you may have before you deciding whether the surgery is right for you.
  • There is no need for referral from your usual doctor or GP.


Vasectomy Surgery Location:

  • You will also be inform about the location of the surgery, which is performed at the following premise opposite Northbridge Medical Centre:


Skin & Medical Northbridge

119 Newcastle Street. Perth





Vasectomy Fee Structure 

We have recently updated our fee structure for Vasectomy. Dr Dominic Sinagra is still offering substantial discounts on surgical fees for Healthcare Card Holder.

Medicare rebate covers for part of the consultation and the operation fees. There is no hospital fee charged, therefore there is no private health rebate.


Vasectomy Surgery Fee: $700 

  • Medicare rebate for the surgery : $222.65
  • Out of pocket cost: $477.35

Vasectomy Surgery Fee with Healthcare Card: $500 

  • Medicare rebate for the surgery : $222.65
  • Out of pocket cost: $277.35


The fee is payable on the day of the procedure and we will arrange the Medicare rebate to be deposited into your bank account within 48 hours.



How to book a vasectomy consultation with Northbridge Medical Centre:

  • Book online by selecting appointment with Dr Dominic Sinagra, or call us and talk directly to a member of our friendly team.
  • After the initial appointment, Dr Sinagra will book for suitable time for the surgery.
  • If you are a new patient, please bring a copy of your Health Summary from your usual General Practitioner or a list of your current medications.








Book in your Vasectomy consultation today with

Dr Dominic Sinagra

The knowledgeable team at Northbridge Medical Centre are here for any questions or concerns about Vasectomy procedure

Dr Dominic Sinagra has been trained in the field of Vasectomy

Simply contact us or all 08 9228 8339 to book in your consultation.


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